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Yann LeCun

Yann LeCun is a French-American data scientist born on 8 July 1960. He is also known as the father of convolutional neural networks. He...

Andrew Ng

Andrew Ng is a Chinese-American data scientist. His primary focus is on machine learning and AI. He has triple major in undergraduate...

Quantum Computing

•In Oct 2019 Google announced that it was building a quantum computer with 54 qubits in collaboration with NASA. •This computer can solve...

Ian Goodfellow- Founder of GANs

Ian Goodfellow (born in 1985) is a researcher currently researching in machine learning. He is currently working in Apple. He was taught...

Internet of Things(IoT)

The Internet of Things or IoT is the leading branch of computer science. One of the biggest implication of this technology is Smart home....

What is next to augmented reality

We all have played games like Pokemon Go, where the characters are visible on the screen as if they were present in the actual world....

What is the next big technology

While this may seem like a question with no definite answer, there are certain technologies that are expected to be the leaders of...

Will AI rule us in the future?

As the inventions occur day by day and as AI becomes smarter, people start to think that in the future robots might start ruling them....

Most Popular Coding language: Python

Believe it or not, the future is AI. It is present almost everywhere today. People from all walks of life are now learning coding. Even...

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